Cherokee Seed Project_carousel

Cherokee White Eagle (Dent Corn) grown in the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Hidatsa Three Sisters Garden demonstration garden is being ground at the summer farmers market’s final outdoor market of the season at the USDA Whitten Building east parking lot in Washington, D.C., on Friday, November 22, 2013. This is the type of corn used to make blue cornchips. The Peoples Garden Initiative and USDA Executive Master Gardeners host several educational stations to help people learn about the agricultural beginning of every day products such as cotton thread, wheat flour, ground corn, soap, honey. Subject matter experts are also on hand to talk about how mushrooms are commercially grown in Pennsylvania caves. A petting pen with small farm animals allowed children to pet the animals that they may not normally have the opportunity to do so otherwise. The USDA market supports regional food systems and increases consumer access to fresh, healthy foods. It features farmers and vendors from Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Virginia selling fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs, prepared foods, baked goods, kettle popcorn, local honey products, hand-made soap, and more. USDA photo by Lance Cheung.

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