June 2012

A North Carolina Boy Promotes Healthy Eating

Marshall Reid signing his bookMarshall Reid signing his book

Marshall Reid signing his book
Marshall Reid signs copies of his book Portion Size Me at a North Carolina school’s health and fitness fair.

When Marshall Reid was in 4th grade, a boy made fun of him for being overweight. It hurt at first, but it was true. Marshall decided he had to do something to lose weight. He set a goal of exercising and eating healthy foods for a whole month.

Two years later, Marshall has lost 36 pounds. He has written a book about how he did it. The book is called Portion Size Me: A Kid-Driven Plan to a Healthier Family. Marshall wrote the book because he knows that being overweight is a problem for a lot of kids.

In his book, he says that the first step was to get his family to help him. His mom and sister agreed that there would be no more pizza and chicken nuggets for dinner. The family learned to cook healthy foods, such as fish tacos, stuffed cabbage, and Cuban black bean soup. They made YouTube videos of Marshall’s new meals. They shared these videos with Marshall’s father, who was serving with the U.S. Army in Iraq.

Kids don’t tease Marshall any more. Instead, they ask him to sign copies of his book. Marshall leads Healthy Snack War Challenges at schools. He does interviews on television. He has a website where he shares tips on healthy cooking. It still takes work to keep to his plan, but Marshall has plenty of support. Many people around the country are rooting for him now.

Image Credit: ©Travis Dove/New York Times via Redux Pictures

Related Link

  • Portion Size Me
    Check out Marshall Reid’s videos and recipes that can help you adopt a healthier lifestyle.
Question 1
How much weight did Marshall lose?

Question 2
Which food would Marshall choose for a healthy meal?

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