A North Carolina Boy Promotes Healthy Eating

Marshall Reid signing his book_article

Marshall Reid signing his book

DIN *** Sanford, NC – 03/27/2012 – Marshall Reid signs a book for Hunter Randolph at the Lee County Schools Family Health and Fitness Fair. After being teased about his weight at school, then 10-year-old Marshall Reid (now 12) sat down with his mom and decided to do something about it. They have now made over 200 YouTube videos about his experience trying to be a healthier kid, and the whole family changed their eating habits. He and his mother, Alexandra Reid, have since co-authored a cookbook/family book called ǃ˙Portion Size Meǃ˘. (Travis Dove for The New York Times) 30123274A NYTCREDIT: Travis Dove for The New York Times

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