June 2013

Giant Rubber Duck Visits Hong Kong

Rubber DuckRubber Duck

Rubber Duck
People looked at the giant rubber duck from a dock along Hong Kong’s Victoria Harbor.

On May 2, a giant rubber duck appeared in Victoria Harbor in Hong Kong, China. Each day, thousands of people lined the shore to get a look at it.

The duck is a piece of art, called “Rubber Duck.” It was created by Dutch artist Florentijn Hofman. The giant floating duck was brought into the harbor by tugboat. It looks just like a rubber duck that a kid would play with in a bathtub. But this rubber duck is 54 feet tall. It is as tall as a six-floor building!

Because the duck looks like a giant kid’s toy, Hofman hopes it will help adults feel young again. The giant duck is so popular that people all over Hong Kong are buying things that remind them of it. They are buying rubber duck toys, clothes, and even food shaped like the rubber duck.

“Rubber Duck” is filled with air, like a balloon. On May 15, the air mysteriously came out of the duck. Many people in Hong Kong were sad. But the people who take care of the duck said it was planned. They needed to let the air out of the duck so they could fix it. A few days later, the duck was back.

The giant duck will be in Hong Kong until June 9. It has visited other cities, too, such as Sydney, Australia, and Sao Paolo, Brazil. Hofman says “Rubber Duck’s” next stop is the United States. He won’t say which city though. It is going to be a surprise!

Image credit: ©Bobby Yip/Reuters

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Question 1
Which place did “Rubber Duck” visit starting on May 2?

Question 2
Which country is “Rubber Duck” going to visit next?

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